It is recommended to learn Hiragana first!
Now that you already know about hiragana and its rules
it's time to learn about
Katakana, which is used mainly to write words borrowed from other languages, names and onomatopeias.
Basic Katakana Chart:
Dakuon, Handakuon and Youon:
- チョコレート (Chocolate)
- コンピューター (Computer)
- コーヒー (Coffee)
- アイスクリーム (Ice Cream)
- シャワー (Shower)
- スマホ (Smartphone)
Katakana can also be used to write
names, both of people and brands
- ノーラン (Nolan)
- メアリー (Mary)
- アンドリュー (Andrew)
- マクドナルド (McDonald's)
- スターバックス (Starbucks)
- ディズニーランド (Disneyland)
The last use we are going to discuss is in onomatopeias.
Japanese is a language that is very rich in words
that describe sounds, and katakana
frequently used to write them.